Resetting your Password

Users who forget their password can request that their password be reset. This sends a password reset link to the email address associated with the user account.

  1. Click the Login link (typically located in the top right corner of each page) - OR - Navigate to an Account Login module.
  2. Click the Reset Password button.
  3. In the User Name text box, enter a user name.

  1. Optional. If the Security Code field is displayed, enter the code displayed as a picture into the Security Code text box.
  2. Click the Send Reset Link button. Note: If the "Reset Password option is currently unavailable" message displays this may indicate the site's mail may not be enabled or correctly configured on this site. Administrators should contact a SuperUserThese users have full access to manage the settings and content of all sites with this DNN installation, including the Host site. SuperUser accounts are created using the Host > SuperUser Accounts module. to check SMTP settings for this site. SuperUsers can check it hereSee "Setting the SMTP Server and Port"